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Steven F. Hayward is a resident scholar at UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies and a visiting lecturer at Berkeley Law.
Steven Gow Calabresi is the Clayton J. & Henry R. Barber Professor at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law and author of The Meese Revolution.
Steven Mosher’s prize winning books about China include Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese; Journey to the Forbidden City; and China Misperceived: American Illusions and Chinese Reality. He has been closely involved with members of the Chinese democracy movement who found exile in the U.S. after the Tiananmen Square massacre. Mr. Mosher is president of the Population Research Institute.
Stuart Taylor, Jr., is an author and freelance writer focusing on legal and policy issues and a National Journal contributing editor. He has coauthored two critically acclaimed books. In 2012, Richard Sander and Taylor wrote Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It’s Intended to Help, and Why Universities Won’t Admit It. In 2007, Taylor and KC Johnson wrote Until Proven Innocent: Political Correctness and the Shameful Injustices of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Fraud.
Ted V. McAllister is the Edward L. Gaylord Chair and Associate Professor of Public Policy at Pepperdine University.
Theodore Dalrymple is a retired physician and psychiatrist. He is a contributing editor of City Journal and frequent contributor to the London Spectator, The New Criterion, and other leading magazines and newspapers.
Theodore Roosevelt Malloch is chairman and CEO of the Roosevelt Group. He headed consulting at Wharton-Chase Econometrics and has worked in capital markets at Salomon Brothers.
Thomas C. Reeves is a best-selling historian specializing in American politics and religion. He is the biographer of Presidents Chester A. Arthur and John F. Kennedy, as well as Senator Joseph R. McCarthy.
Thomas Joscelyn is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD). He is the executive director of the Center for Law and Counterterrorism at FDD. He is a frequent contributor to The Weekly Standard and senior editor of the Long War Journal.
Dr. Sowell is a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the recipient of many awards and prizes. His previous books include Ethnic America, Basic Economics, A Conflict of Visions and The Quest for Cosmic Justice.
Thomas W. Still is president of the Wisconsin Technology Council.
Thomas W. Hazlett is professor of law and economics at George Mason University. He previously served as chief economist of the FCC and writes for publications including the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal. His academic research appears in many economics journals and law reviews.
Tim Congdon is an economist and businessman, who has for over thirty years been a strong advocate of sound money and free markets. He is often regarded as the U.K.’s leading “monetarist” economist. From 1992 to 1997 he was a member of the U.K.’s Treasury Panel of Independent Forecasters (the so-called “wise men”), which advised the chancellor of the exchequer in a successful period for British economic policy. Tim has recently set up a new economics consultancy business, International Monetary Research Ltd. ( He is chief executive of the company, which is his latest venture.
Timothy Sandefur is Vice President for Litigation at the Goldwater Institute. Before joining Goldwater, he served 15 years as a litigator at the Pacific Legal Foundation, where he won important victories for economic liberty in several states.
Tod Lindberg is a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is the author of the critically acclaimed The Political Teachings of Jesus, a philosophical analysis of the view of worldly affairs presented in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and Gospel parables.