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David B. Kopel

David B. Kopel is an associate policy analyst at the Cato Institute, research director of the Independence Institute, and adjunct professor of Advanced Constitutional Law at Denver University, Sturm College of Law.

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David Bernhardt

DAVID BERNHARDT is the only person to ever be confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as secretary, deputy secretary, and solicitor of the Department of the Interior in its 173+-year history.

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David Blankenhorn

David Blankenhorn is the founder and president of the Institute for American Values, a nonpartisan organization whose mission is to study and strengthen civil society. He is the author of Fatherless America (1995), The Future of Marriage (2007), Thrift: A Cyclopedia (2008), and New York’s Promise (2013).

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David Brog

David Brog lives and writes in Washington, D.C. He worked in the United States Senate for seven years, rising to be chief of staff to a senior United States senator and staff director of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Prior to his time on Capitol Hill, Brog served as an executive at America Online and practiced corporate law in Tel Aviv, Israel, and Philadelphia, PA.

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David C. Shiflett

David C. Shiflett is a longtime journalist, author, and musician. His writing has appeared in many publications, including the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and Bloomberg.

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David Cast

David Cast was educated at the universities of Oxford and Columbia, where he received a PhD in the History of Art in 1970.

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David Charles Stove

David Charles Stove (1927-1994), was an Australian philosopher of science, and essayist in the popular press. Stove also wrote articles on a variety of topics for non-philosophical magazines.

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David E. Bernstein

David E. Bernstein is the George Mason University Foundation Professor at the George Mason University School of Law in Arlington, Virginia, where he has been teaching constitutional law and other subjects since 1995. He is the author of several books, most recently Rehabilitating Lochner: Defending Individual Rights against Progressive Reform. Professor Bernstein blogs at the Volokh Conspiracy, hosted by the Washington Post.

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David Gelernter

David Gelernter is a professor of computer science at Yale, contributing editor at the Weekly Standard, regular contributor to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and former board member of the National Endowment for the Arts.

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David Gratzer

David Gratzer, a licensed physician in the US and Canada, is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. His research interests include Medicare and Medicaid, drug reimportation, and FDA reform.

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David Horowitz

David Horowitz is a nationally known author and lifelong civil rights activist. Previously a long time founder of the New Left movement in the 1960s, he has gone on to pen numerous books, including The Politics of Bad Faith, The Art of Political War and Radical Son, his autobiography.

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David Meir-Levi

David Meir-Levi is a senior project manager at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Mr. Meir-Levi writes extensively on Middle East issues for Front Page Magazine and other online journals, and also hosts radio and TV programs analyzing the Middle East conflict.

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David Pryce-Jones

David Pryce-Jones has written on a wide range of subjects, sometimes historical, sometimes contemporary. Among his works are studies of Communism such as The Strange Death of the Soviet Union, of Nazism such as Paris in the Third Reich, and of the world of Islam such as The Closed Circle. Since 1999 he has been a senior editor of National Review.

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David Schoenbrod

David Schoenbrod was a leader of the Natural Resources Defense Council during the 1970s, heading campaigns to get lead out of gasoline, protect the environment of Puerto Rico, and protect New Yorkers from automotive air pollution. Now he is Trustee Professor at New York Law School and a Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

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Dean Reuter

Dean Reuter is Vice President & Director of the Practice Groups of the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy.

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