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Helen Smith, PhD

Helen Smith, PhD, is a psychologist specializing in forensic issues and men’s issues in Knoxville, Tennessee. She holds a PhD from the University of Tennessee and master’s degrees from The New School for Social Research and the City University of New York.

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Herbert London

Herbert London is President Emeritus of Hudson Institute. He served as the Institute’s President from December 1997 to March 2011.

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Hilton Kramer

Hilton Kramer (1928-2012) was the founding editor of The New Criterion, which he started with the late Samuel Lipman in 1982. From 1987 until 2006, he was also the art critic for the weekly New York Observer, and for many years wrote the “Critic’s Notebook” column in Art & Antiques magazine.

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Howard Husock

Howard Husock is a Senior Fellow in Domestic Policy Studies at the American Enterprise Institute and a Contributing Editor of City Journal.

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Humberto Fontova

Humberto Fontova was born in Havana Cuba in 1954 and escaped Castro’s revolution with his family in 1961. They were accepted in the U.S. as political refugees while his father remained jailed in Cuba as a political prisoner.

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Ibn Warraq

Ibn Warraq is an independent scholar and former visiting fellow at the Center for Law and Counterterrorism, a project of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

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Ilan Berman

Ilan Berman is vice president of the American Foreign Policy Council, with expertise on regional security in the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Russian Federation. He has consulted for the Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Department of Defense, and has assisted various governmental agencies and congressional offices.

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Ilya I. Feoktistov

Ilya I. Feoktistov is the Executive Director of Americans for Peace and Tolerance, a Boston-based national security non-profit organization that investigates and confronts threats to civil society in America.

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Ishmael Jones

Ishmael Jones was born in the United States and raised in the Middle East, East Asia, and East Africa. In the late 1980s he joined the Central Intelligence Agency, where he served as a deep-cover officer for eighteen years, focusing on human sources with access to intelligence on weapons of mass destruction and terrorism.

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J. Bowyer Bell

J. Bowyer Bell (1931 – 2003) was an American historian, artist and art critic. He was best known as a terrorism expert.

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J. Harvie Wilkinson III

J. Harvie Wilkinson III is a federal judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Judge Wilkinson graduated from Yale University in 1967 and received his law degree from the University of Virginia in 1972. In 1982, he became Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. President Reagan appointed him to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in August of 1984, and he was the Fourth Circuit’s chief judge from 1996-2003.

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J. Martin Rochester

J. Martin Rochester is the Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor of Political Science at the University of Missouri, St. Louis.

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James Bowman

James Bowman has written for the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, The New Criterion and other publications. He was the American editor of the Times Literary Supplement of London and is currently a resident scholar at the Ethics and Public Policy Institute.

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James Burnham

James Burnham has been a noted author, lecturer, editor, and commentator on current affairs. In 1983, Burnham was presented with the Ingersoll Foundation’s award for his contributions to the conservative movement, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

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James C. Bennett

James C. Bennett is a writer and entrepreneur. He was co-founder of two private space transportation companies and other technology ventures. He has written extensively on technology, culture, and society.

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