American Leviathan - Encounter Books

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American Leviathan

The Birth of the Administrative State and Progressive Authoritarianism

Available 09/17/2024

Publication Details

Paperback / 176 pages
ISBN: 9781641774376
Available: 09/17/2024

Coming Soon
American Leviathan
The Birth of the Administrative State and Progressive Authoritarianism

American Leviathan begins with the story of how we have arrived where we are today after the rise of Progressive Statism and its massive, bureaucratic administrative state at the turn of the 20th century. Governmental abuse by a class of so-called experts has grown unchecked because of Progressives’ quiet regime change over the last century and their replacing our constitutional republic with that administrative state. Our government today has vanishingly fewer relations to what the Founders envisioned. So, the question for us today in the 21st century is this: will we restore the American Republic and actually have a government of, by, and for the people?  According to Ryun, yes.  From where we have arrived today, American Leviathan details how an empowered executive in the White House can move forward to effectively devolve and break apart the administrative state that is the Leviathan crushing the freedoms of the American people.

About the Author

Ned Ryun is the Founder and CEO of American Majority and Voter Gravity.

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