The Insider Threat - Encounter Books

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The Insider Threat

How the Deep State Undermines America from Within

Available 10/29/2024

Publication Details

Hardcover / 296 pages
ISBN: 9781641774314
Available: 10/29/2024

Coming Soon
The Insider Threat
How the Deep State Undermines America from Within

During his eight-year reign, Barack Obama transformed the US national security, intelligence, and law enforcement bureaucracies as no other president in history, advancing a policy of US diminishment that has undermined our global primacy to this day.

In The Insider Threat, Adam Lovinger draws on more than ten years of experience at the Pentagon to explain how the Obama administration orchestrated this coup.

Obama spent his first year in office persuading Americans that the US should step back from its global leadership role and to cede authority to a new world order based on “balance of power” politics. But he never said what this really meant: the transfer of power from Washington to its enemies. When his 2009 worldwide “apology tour” proved a debacle, Obama changed tack—to control by bureaucratic subversion.

He spent the next eight years staging a stealth revolution inside America’s most sensitive government agencies, using ideological infighters to replace America’s strategic objectives with those of China, Russia, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In return, through a range of actions and omissions described in this book, America’s adversaries helped Obama and Joe Biden win elections, wealth, and prestige.

Equal parts George Orwell and Franz Kafka, The Insider Threat exposes—for the first time—the secret playbook that Lovinger discovered on his US Department of Defense computer. This document was used by corrupt senior officials use to enrich their patrons at taxpayer expense, advance the interests of America’s enemies, undermine core US national interests from within, and make administrative reform impossible.

Even long-time Washington insiders will be shocked at the extent of lawlessness that now passes for normal in America’s administrative state.

About the Author

Adam S. Lovinger serves as Vice President for Strategic Affairs at the Gold Institute for International Strategy, a Washington D.C.-based think tank.

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